Thursday 29 January 2015

Gopeng, Malaysia

@NomadAdventure learning about the good and bad of daisy chains! For more read BD post at CAMP/CASSIN now make a viable alternative for rope parks and climbing called the Daisy Twist see here

Gopeng, Malaysia

RAD (Rapid Ascent and Descent) SRT Roped Work At Height for adventure staff at @NomadAdventure

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Gopeng, Malaysia

Ropes Course EN, PRCA (ANSI) and FPE inspections at @NomadAdventure

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Jatiluhur, Indonesia

#technicaladvisor visit for JIS to #outwardbound Indonesia

Thursday 15 January 2015


#schooltrips and #riskmanagement Technical Advisors visit with the SAS Trips Risk Manager.

Sunday 11 January 2015


@UWCSEA_East Climbing Wall Site Specific Supervisor Training

Wednesday 7 January 2015


Climbing Wall and Ropes Course EN, PRCA and FPE inspections at UWCSEA campuses.